Dva procesa u posljednjoj četvrtini 19. stoljeća, međusobno povezana i neodvojiva, ostavila su ogromne posljedice na tu epohu: širenje Ruskog carstva i uzmicanje Osmanskog carstva. Osmanlije su bile primorane napustiti dvije petine teritorije kojom su vladali ostavljajući ondje petinu muslimanskog stanovništva svoje dotadašnje države
On 26 February, 1909, Austria-Hungary settled the matter regarding Bosnia in a Protocol between Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The Protocol has been signed between Hussein Hilmi Pacha, grand vizier, Gabriel Effendi Noradounghian, imperial Ottoman minister of foreign affairs, ad interim, and Jean, Marquis Pallavicini, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Austria-Hungary.
Austria-Hungary agreed to pay the Ottomans 2.2 million Ottoman lira. At that time Ottoman lira had its worth in gold 1 Ottoman lira = 6.61519 grams pure gold. This roughly translates the agreed amount into 14.500kg of gold, which equals today's price: EUR 715,000,000) for the public land in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Source (Article V) in the document below:
Full text of “Protocol between Austria-Hungary and Turkey” (https://archive.org/stream/jstor-2212637/2212637_djvu.txt)
Source for Ottoman lira – gold ratio: